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What is the most popular crypto in Africa?

Meme coins, DeFi tokens and blockchain networks are the most popular crypto in Africa so far this year. These three narratives represent 13 out of Africa’s top 17 crypto, consisting of 7 meme coins, 4 blockchain networks’ native currencies and 3 DeFi-related tokens.

Does Africa have a cryptocurrency market?

According to the World Bank, the median GDP per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa is $1,483. Compared to the European Union, which has a GDP per capita at $33,927, this makes African wealth output 22X lower. Correspondingly, the Chainanalysis report found that Africa’s cryptocurrency market share is the smallest.

Does Africa have the smallest cryptocurrency market share?

Compared to the European Union, which has a GDP per capita at $33,927, this makes African wealth output 22X lower. Correspondingly, the Chainanalysis report found that Africa’s cryptocurrency market share is the smallest. Visual insights into African wealth vs. crypto adoption rate. Image: Chainalysis Insights

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